Vote Until 4:30 Tuesday March 5
Hi Colleagues,
The LFA Board met with faculty yesterday at a general membership meeting
to answer questions about the proposed new collective agreement.
By now all of you should have received in your campus mailboxes a copy of the Memorandum of Agreement along with a brief explanation of the MOA. 
You should also have received ballots in your mailboxes sothat  you can vote to ratify, or not,  the tentative agreement.
The ballot box is in the mailroom and will remain there till 4:30 on Tuesday, March 5.
Please take the opportunity to vote. 
If you have any questions about the MOA please feel free to contact me (5354/5895) 
or Cheryl McKeeman (5429) so we can answer your questions.
Thank you for your support of the LFA Board and the LFA Bargaining team throughout this process.
We very much appreciate it.
All the best, Lynn