LFA Board Elections & AGM – Important Dates for 2021
LFA Board – Schedule for 2021 Elections

Nominations  March 8 (Mon) to March 12 (Fri)
Campaign Notes Due March 17 (Wed)
Ballots out March 18 (Mon)
Ballots in by 3:30 p.m. March 24 (Wed), Counted: March 24 (Wed)

Nominations March 25 (Thurs) – March 31 (Wed)
Campaign Notes Due April 7 (Wed)
Ballots out April 8 (Thurs)
Ballots in by 3:30 p.m. April 14 (Wed), Counted: April 14 (Wed)

Board Members
Nominations April 12 (Mon) – April 16 (Fri)
Campaign Notes Due April 21 (Wed)
Ballots out April 22 (Thurs)
Ballots in by 3:30 p.m. April 28 (Wed), Counted: April 28 (Wed)


Save the date! Virtual AGM Friday May 14, 1:30 pm
The Annual General Meeting package has been distributed electronically to members, along with an invitation to the Zoom meeting. Please contact info@langarafaculty.ca if you did not receive the invitation.