Educational Leave Committee
As per section 23 in the Collective Agreement, the ELC meets to review and make recommendations regarding educational leave applications.
LFA reps: The LFA VP and one additional faculty member appointed annually in Nov/Dec, from an area outside the Division(s) of that year’s applicant(s).
Meetings: Annually in early January.
Faculty Selection and Evaluation Committees
Faculty are selected and evaluated as per section 10 of the Collective agreement, which sets out the membership of Selection and Evaluation Committees; the CA also provides guidelines and criteria for evaluation in Appendices II and III. All voting members of the Committee are faculty members. The Committees are chaired by the Department Chair or Program Coordinator; other committee members include Department faculty, Division Chair, the non-voting Dean’s delegate (usually a faculty member), and an LFA rep.LFA reps play a key role on these committees, which cannot function without them. And it’s important work – selecting and evaluating our peers is one of the most important things we do as faculty. As long as you have completed all your own evaluations, you are eligible to serve as an LFA rep. We provide training, and basic info can be found in the Guidelines for LFA reps on selection and evaluation committees.
LFA reps: Currently there are over 60 LFA reps, and we are always looking for more! If you are interested or have questions, please reach out to any Board member or contact the LFA at
Meetings: year-round on an as-needed basis.
Joint Labour Management Committee
As per section 27 of the Collective Agreement, the JLMC brings union and management representatives together to improve Langara’s labour relations environment. Meets to problem-solve, to promote good relations between Management and the Union, and to correct conditions that may cause grievances and misunderstanding.
LFA members: The LFA President, VP and stewards.
Meetings: monthly except in summer
Joint Committee on Continuing Studies
As per section 24 of the Collective Agreement, the JCCS brings union and management together to monitor and review the direction of CS courses, programs and activities.
Members: The Dean of Continuing Studies, two Academic Administrators, and three LFA members including a lead Division Chair. Has been co-chaired by the LFA VP and an Academic Dean.
LFA reps: Raged Anwar, Tess MacMillan, and one additional appointed faculty member.
Meetings: Once per semester and additionally as needed.
Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee
See the Langara website for Terms of Reference and further information
LFA reps: Mark Smith (Co-Chair); alternates Kaitlin Lovering and Yuango Yang
Meetings: Monthly
Joint Technology Committee
As per LOU #5 of the Collective Agreement, the JTC meets to canvas faculty about their technology needs and on the basis of their findings, to work to meet those needs over the coming year. The first annual online survey was carried out in fall 2017.
Members: The JTC is co-chaired by the LFA Vice President and the College VP responsible for IT, or delegate, and has equal numbers of LFA and College representatives.
Meets: As needed.
Professional Development Support Fund (PDSF) Committee
As per section 23 of the Collective Agreement, the PDSF Committee disperses the Professional Development Support Fund in order to enable LFA members to engage in their own professional development activities. For more information about faculty PD funds, see Professional Development FAQs.
Members: The LFA Vice President (Chair), each Division Chair, and the Chairs of Counselling, Educational Technology, Library Services, and TCDC.
Meets: As needed.