College Policy Governance Committee
Provides guidance on developing and maintaining College policies. Membership includes on faculty member appointed by the LFA. See the College website for Terms of Reference and further information.
LFA rep: Pauline Greaves-Aylward
Emeritus Committee
Once a year, reviews and recommends retiring or retired faculty and professional staff for Emeritus designation at the College (see past recipients here). The procedures document for policy B1007 – Emeritus/Emerita Designation provides more detail about the committee.
Members: The Langara College VP, Academic (Committee Chair); one Academic Dean; the Chair, Education Council; one LFA rep; one LCAA rep; one CUPE rep; and one Emeritus/Emerita rep.
Meets: Typically meets in March, between the nomination deadline of Feb 15 and the Committee’s recommendation deadline of April 1.
Facilities Space Advisory Committee (FACSAC)
Provides advice and input to the Senior Leadership Team on renovation proposals and space allocations and endeavours to increase awareness of space changes occurring at the College.
Members: Chaired by the Director, Facilities. As per the Langara Council meeting minutes of March 8, 2016, LFA and CUPE rep positions were added in 2016. See further membership details on the FACSAC Terms of Reference (revised Aug 19, 2020).
LFA rep: Colin Mills
Meets: As needed.
Langara Council
An advisory body for the College President and a forum for discussion and open consultation between the President and representatives of the College community. See the College website for Terms of Reference and further information.
The LFA rep is LFA President, Pauline Greaves-Aylward.