The Langara Faculty Association Needs You…

to stand up for post-secondary education!

Here’s how:
The LFA invites faculty and staff to submit ideas for ads that will be displayed on buses and in Skytrain stations in the run-up to the provincial election in May. The aim is to educate the public about the crisis in under-funding of post-secondary education and to motivate people to vote in the BC election for candidates who pledge to give more money to colleges and universities.

Contest rules:
You may enter the contest as an individual or as part of a team. Your entry should:

Educate the public about the reduction in government funding and the resultant increase in tuition fees
Encourage the public to vote for increased funding for  colleges and universities
Be non-partisan
Convey its message in words and images
Be memorable (e.g., creative, hard-hitting, engaging, and/or funny)

You only need to come up with a rough draft as FPSE and TransLink will create the actual ad.

All submissions that meet the contest criteria will be displayed on campus the week of January 9 – 13. During that week students will vote to choose their preferred design. The students’ vote will inform the final decision of the LFA Board. The transit ads will be displayed between February and April.

Contest prize:

A bursary of $1,000 will be awarded to a Langara student in the name of the faculty member(s) who submits the winning entry.

How to enter:
Submit entries to Janet Douglas: between December 16 at noon and January 3rd at noon.

For more information contact Janet Douglas at

Interested in helping out?
Join the organizing team to help run this campaign! In particular, we need help from faculty who have experience putting up displays. Contact Janet if you can lend a hand. Thanks!

About the contest:
This contest is part of the Open the Doors Campaign now being waged by the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC, an umbrella organization of faculty unions to which the LFA is affiliated. Watch this FPSE video for more information on the crisis in post-secondary education: openthedoorsbc/videos/ 657216677758862/

Jessie Smith, Stephen Phillips, Niall Christie, and Janet Douglas